[NACR-851] Forced Apology Sex With Busty Milf Wife Mako Oda

取引先のエロ社長に謝罪性交をさせられた豊満巨乳妻 織田真子


Released date:2024-09-05 ID:h_237nacr00851 ID(DVD):NACR-851
Studio: Planet Plus Label: 七狗留 Director: レコバ
My wife made a big mistake that angered our client, the company president. She was forced to accompany him to apologize even though we work at the same office. However, there was a reason behind this. The president demanded she take off her clothes, but instead of satisfying his request, my wife just kept apologizing. His demands didn't end there; he also ordered us to have sexual intercourse right in front of him... *The contents may vary depending on the distribution method.
重大なミスで取引先の社長を激怒させてしまった。同じ職場で働く身とはいえなぜか謝罪に同伴することになった妻の真子は戸惑いを隠せずにいた。だがその理由はすぐに分かることになる。社長に服を脱ぐことを要求された真子であったが、夫はただ謝るばかり。要求は脱がせるだけに留まらず、夫婦に目の前での性交を迫り…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『プラネットプラス』はこちら!